BrightGood Browser

Making the Internet Work for Humanity

BrightGood is a browser that works for people. Safe browsing, clean community, and honest conversations.

Rated 5 stars by beta users
BrightGood Browsing


We’re building a community browser to take back the internet.

The internet needs to be a medium that serves people and feeds the better angels of our nature. It has brought tremendous benefits. However, it’s evolved faster than we can harness it. The current internet is being leveraged to cleave societies apart, facilitating our worst impulses, and changing the norms of how we interact for the worse. We can’t go on like this. It’s time to do something about it.

Our first steps will be to build that community. By joining other people dedicated to bending the internet to our will and best uses. We don’t need to be divided and misled by political or the corporate gatekeepers that use our human nature against us. We are going to come together as a community pursuing an internet experience that is transparent, explainable, where we have a stake, and where there are norms again. We look to build trust and community. This trust and community will not come from being politically alike, or because we agree with one another on everything. Instead, this trust will spring from a social contract, wherein we declare that we will work with one another to support the transfer of quality information, knowledge, and ideas. We will respect one another, even if things get heated and we strongly disagree. We will respect one another because we are all people, life is short, and because we all want to leave the world better than we found it.

From there, we’ll work on the tech, likely to start with a browser-plugin of key features that help us better understand the search results we’re looking at and the websites we’re visiting: higher quality information, faster. From there, we’re off to the races, with a roadmap to a browser, attention moderation, integrated social features, and identity portability.

Our real flagship product will be the norms we carry, but they will be inextricably tied to the software through which we interact with the internet and each other. By doing so, we will create a better internet experience for our user community, and others will want to join us. Eventually, the internet gatekeepers and cynics will be forced to bend to the norms of a masssive user ecosystem OR they will try to copy our ideas, scale concepts faster than we can, and force us out of business.

Either way, we win.

- Greg Adams & Team

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